Witness Your Mac Becoming Faster and Cleaner
Cleanup My System is an effective and powerful tool that helps identify and manage login items and launch agents. Using it, you can clean unnecessary login items and launch agents, thus boosting Mac performance in a few clicks.

Sort Login Items
Do several applications and services trouble you when you login into your Mac? It’s time to sort these items as they can hamper overall functionality and interfere with other apps.

Manage Login Items
Cleanup My System lets no process run in the background without your permission. Using the Startup Manager module to identify login items & take action accordingly.

Cut Down Launch Agents
Several small applications, known as launch agents, compete to obtain space on your Mac’s storage. Cleanup My System lists such apps for you to take action & boost Mac performance.
Your Mac Won’t Take Forever To Boot Up Now
If your Mac takes a lot of time to boot, it could be because of unwanted and hidden login items that constantly run in the background. Cleanup My System helps take control of these items. Clean them as per your wish and see a significant boost in your Mac’s performance.
Managing Startup Items is Hassle-Free
Certain applications launch every time without your permission, when you start your Mac. At first, they might look harmless, but they slow down your Mac’s performance, eventually degrading productivity and speed. Moreover, they slow down Mac’s startup time. Such startup items can’t hide away from Cleanup My System. This excellent Mac cleaner shows you a list of login items and launch agents, allowing you to clear them as per your preference.
- Manage Launch Agents
- Control Login Items
Take control of what runs at boot time on your Mac and improve the system’s performance.

Take Charge Of What Runs At Startup
Sometimes when you uninstall an application, it leaves behind traces of a login item with a broken link. Such things are useless as they just take up space and Mac’s resources leading to unwanted issues. Cleanup My System lets you take full charge of such items without letting them cause any further harm.
Launch Agents
Identifying launch agents manually on your Mac might take hours. Cleanup My System goes the extra mile to provide an easy solution called Startup Manager. Without digging through the system, you can get information about the launch agents.
Login Items
The intelligent algorithm Cleanup My System uses helps detect login items that are unnecessarily run and slow down Mac’s performance. The Login Items module guides you through the process of cleaning these items.
Your Personal Mac Cleaner
Reclaim Storage Space & Get a Fine-Tuned Mac!
An all-in-one cleanup tool and go-to solution to optimize Mac performance, analyze disk space, remove clutter, large old files, partial downloads, and more. Cleanup My System is an effective and powerful tool that can make your Mac as good as new in a few clicks.

System Requirements:
macOS 10.13 or later

Frequently Asked Questions